The application for the Spring 2026 cohort at the Valley St. Campus will be open from August to October 2025.
Practical Nursing (LPN) Program requirement checklist:
- Practical nursing program applicants must be unconditionally admitted to the college. Apply for Gadsden State admission here.
- Practical nursing applicants must have a GSCC student A number and access to their student portal to apply to the nursing program.
- Submit an online Practical nursing program application by 8 a.m. on the posted deadline. Late applications will not be considered.
- Submit supporting documents to the GSCC Admissions Office 10 days prior to the application deadline:
- Official high school transcript or GED scores
- Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities
- Official ACT scores. A minimum composite score of 18 on the national or residual ACT test is required for program application. There is no time limit on exam scores for program application. NOTE: SAT scores may be converted to the equivalent of an ACT score and used for program application.
- Minimum of 2.5 GPA for nursing program core academic courses. This will be calculated from the highest grade of any of the seven academic courses taken on the practical nursing program curriculum. (The college GPA calculator at can be used to assist you with calculating this GPA.)
- A minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA at Gadsden State or institution from which student is transferring if no courses have been completed at GSCC. (This GPA includes all college courses taken, not just the courses on the nursing program curriculum.)
- Practical Nursing applicants must have successfully completed the following courses with a grade of C or better prior to application:
- English 101
- Math 100 or higher level. (MTH 116 does not count as a higher level math.)
- Biology 201
- Biology 202
- Any additional courses for the program require a grade of C or better.
- Must be in good standing with the College.
- Must meet the Essential Functions required for nursing students.
- Provide proof of unencumbered certification for Nursing Assistant from ADPH and/or Medication Assistant from ABN
**Practical nursing applicants previously enrolled in any nursing program other than GSCC must provide a Letter of Good Standing from the Dean or Director of the previous program. This letter will be submitted to the Program Director before the application deadline.
After acceptance to the nursing program students will be required to complete the following before registering for nursing courses:
- Present a clear criminal background check and drug screen.
- Complete a health physical.
- Submit a completed health questionnaire and immunizations records.
- Submit proof of health insurance. Students who do not show proof of insurance will not be allowed to attend clinical.
- Complete CPR certification if needed.
- Attend nursing program orientation.
Essential Functions are the fundamental job duties and skills associated with a particular position. Essential Functions for Nursing cover sensory perception, communication, interpersonal relationships, motor functions and professional behavior. All students are required to read the Essential Functions identified for Nursing Education and determine if they are capable of performing these functions with or without reasonable accommodation. Students must be able to: *
- Observe and discern subtle changes in physical conditions and the environment
- Visualize different color spectrums and color changes
- Read fine print in varying levels of light
- Read for prolonged periods of time
- Read cursive writing
- Read at varying distances
- Read data/information displayed on monitors/equipment
- Interpret monitoring devices
- Distinguish muffled sounds heard through a stethoscope
- Hear and discriminate high and low frequency sounds produced by the body and the environment
- Effectively hear to communicate with others
- Discern tremors, vibrations, pulses, textures, temperature, shapes, size, location and other physical characteristics.
- Detect body odors and odors in the environment
- Verbally and in writing, engage in a two-way communication and interact effectively with others, from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds
- Work effectively in groups
- Work effectively independently
- Discern and interpret nonverbal communication
- Express one's ideas and feelings clearly
- Communicate with others accurately in a timely manner
- Obtain communications from a computer
- Possess cognitive/critical thinking skills
- Effectively read, write and comprehend the English language
- Consistently and dependably engage in the process of critical thinking in order to formulate and implement safe and ethical nursing decisions in a variety of health care settings
- Demonstrate satisfactory performance on written examinations including mathematical computations without a calculator
- Satisfactorily achieve the program objectives
- Handle small delicate equipment/objects without extraneous movement, contamination or destruction
- Move, position, turn, transfer, and lift/ carry/assist with lifting clients without injury to clients, self, or others
- Maintain balance from any position
- Stand on both legs
- Coordinate hand/eye movements
- Push/pull heavy objects without injury to client, self or others
- Stand, bend, walk and/or sit for 6-12 hours in a clinical setting performing physical activities requiring energy without jeopardizing the safety of the client, self or others
- Walk without a cane, walker or crutches
- Function with hands free for nursing care and transporting items
- Transport self and client without the use of electrical devices
- Flex, abduct and rotate all joints freely
- Respond rapidly to emergency situations
- Maneuver in small areas
- Perform daily care functions for the client
- Coordinate fine and gross motor hand movements to provide safe effective nursing care.
- Calibrate/use equipment
- Execute movement required to provide nursing care in all health care settings
- Perform CPR and physical assessment
- Operate a computer
- Convey caring, respect, sensitivity, tact, compassion, empathy, tolerance and a healthy attitude toward others
- Demonstrate a mentally healthy attitude that is age appropriate in relationship to the client
- Handle multiple tasks concurrently
- Perform safe, effective nursing care for clients in a caring context
- Understand and follow the policies and procedures of the College and clinical agencies
- Understand the consequences of violating the student code of conduct
- Understand that posing a direct threat to others is unacceptable and subjects one to discipline
- Meet qualifications for licensure by examination as stipulated by the Alabama Board of Nursing
- Not pose a threat to self or others
- Function effectively in situations of uncertainty and stress inherent in providing nursing care
- Adapt to changing environments and situations
- Remain free of chemical dependency
- Report promptly to clinical and remain for 6-12 hours on the clinical unit
- Provide nursing care in an appropriate time frame
- Accept responsibility, accountability, and ownership of one's actions
- Seek supervision/consultation in a timely manner
- Examine and modify one's own behavior when it interferes with nursing care or learning
- Ability to make critical decisions in chaotic, disruptive, and complex environments
* The Americans with Disabilities Act requires colleges and universities to inform students of all performance expectations related to their job and school performance. In accordance with College policy, when requested, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities. Requests for reasonable accommodations should be directed to the program director.
For additional information or questions, please contact Jarae Szydlowski at 256-549-8478 or
Start Here:
Step 1 – Review the Application Information below before continuing with the application process. You must have a Gadsden State student A-number and access to your student portal to fill out the online nursing program application. If you have issues, please contact the Help Desk.
- Nursing Program Application with all required documents attached and electronic submission by the deadline. No paper applications will be accepted.
- Your unofficial Gadsden State transcript (PDF or JPEG attached to application. No screenshots or copy/paste documents will be accepted. Document must be clear and legible.)
- Your unofficial transcripts from any other colleges or universities attended (PDF or JPEG attached to application. No screenshots or copy/paste documents will be accepted. Document must be clear and legible.)
- ACT Verification (ACT documentation must be uploaded to the application. ACT documentation includes scores that are documented on the high school transcript, score documentation from the ACT website with the ACT logo, or from your OneACCS account located in Student > Student Profile > Prior Education and Testing. Screen shots are allowed but must include students name, test date, and composite score in the same picture. No copy/paste documents will be accepted. Document must be clear and legible.)
- Letter of Good Standing from previous nursing school (if required)
ALL NURSING PROGRAM APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS ARE FINAL! NO UPDATES ARE ALLOWED. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure a complete application is submitted by the deadline. No late submissions will be accepted. Please save the confirmation email you receive upon successful submission of the nursing program application. FAILURE TO SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS WILL RESULT IN AN INCOMPLETE APPLICATION, WHICH WILL NOT BE EVALUATED.
If for any reason you have to save your application and return to it later, you will need to use the NextGen Dynamic Forms homepage link to return to the saved application. You will log into your NextGen account and select Pending/Draft Forms to access your incomplete application.
- Admission to Gadsden State Community College
- Good standing with Gadsden State Community College
- Submission of completed online application by the deadline
- A minimum of 2.5 GPA for nursing program core academic courses. (This will be calculated from the highest grade of any of the nine academic courses taken on the nursing program curriculum.)
- A minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA at Gadsden State or institution from which student is transferring if no courses have been completed at Gadsden State.
- Applicant must have successfully completed MTH 100, ENG 101, BIO 201, and BIO 202 with a grade of C or better. (MTH 116 does not count as a higher math.)
- Ability to meet essential functions required for nursing
- A minimum composite score of 18 on the national or residual ACT test. ACT SUPERSCORES ARE NOT ACCEPTED.
NOTE: SAT scores may be converted to the equivalent of an ACT score and used for program application.
Applicants previously enrolled in any nursing program other than Gadsden State must provide a Letter of Good Standing from the Dean or Director of the previous program. The letter must be submitted to the Program Director by the Application deadline.
Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Qualified applicants will be rank-ordered and only a predetermined number will be selected.
For additional information or questions, please contact Jarae Szydlowski, 256-549-8478 or
Step 2 – Submit the nursing program application. After logging into your student account, you will be directed to the program application.
Step 3 – Read Page 1 of the application thoroughly. Complete Pages 2 and 3 and upload any required documentation. Sign the application on Page 4 and submit. No changes or additions can be made to your application after you submit. No paper applications will be accepted.
Step 4 – Verify that you received a submission confirmation email to your GSCC student email account. Save the email in the event it should be needed.
IMPORTANT: If you need to save your application and complete it at a later date, click “Save Progress” at the bottom of the application screen. When you are ready to complete the application, log in to your myGadsdenState account and click the NextGen link in your Launch Pad. View your Pending/Draft forms to resume the saved application.